What's the Role of Religion When Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What’s the Role of Religion When Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What is the role of religion in relation to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its reperc ...

Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Punishment from Allah

Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Punishment from Allah?

Originally posted 2020-04-03 22:45:51. Question: Are the viruses such as Coronavirus (COVID-19) ...

Is Using Alcoholic Drinks as Disinfectants Permissible to Avoid Coronavirus?

Is Using Alcoholic Drinks as Disinfectants Permissible to Avoid Coronavirus?

In the light of the recent spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), is it allowed to use wine or alcoh ...

FCNA's Statements on Fiqhi Issues Pertaining to Coronavirus

FCNA’s Statements on Fiqhi Issues Pertaining to Coronavirus

Given the extenuating circumstances surround the Coronavirus crisis, the Fiqh Council of North ...

Coronavirus Spiritual and Intellectual Lessons

Coronavirus: Spiritual and Intellectual Lessons

In this short video, Dr. Mohammed Gamal Abdelnour elaborates on the spiritual and intellectual ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Guidelines for a Successful Quarantine

The world is facing a very serious pandemic, Coronavirus or COVID-19, which is killing thousand ...

AMJA's Statement on Offering E-Jumuah Prayer During Coronavirus Pandemic

AMJA’s Statement on Offering E-Jumuah Prayer During Coronavirus Pandemic

(AMJA) has received questions pertaining to holding Friday sermon and prayer services to preven ...

European Muslims and the Positive Interaction with the Coronavirus Crisis

European Muslims and the Positive Interaction with the Coronavirus Crisis

How should European Muslims react positively to Coronavirus crisis? Are there any novel initia ...

European Council of Imams' Statement on Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID 19)

European Council of Imams’ Statement on Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID 19)

The European Council of Imams issued the following statement on how to deal with Coronavirus (C ...

11 Tips to Avoid Coronavirus

11 Tips to Avoid Coronavirus

After the outbreak of Coronavirus, the Health World Organization declared a state of emergency. ...

Is Coronavirus a Divine Punishment?

Is Coronavirus a Divine Punishment?

Originally posted 2020-03-13 11:42:02. By Dr. Yasir Qadhi A lot of people are forwarding messag ...

How to Offer Eid Prayer at Home during COVID-19 Lockdown

How to Offer Eid Prayer at Home during COVID-19 Lockdown

How should Muslims offer the Eid prayer  in light of the COVID-19 lockdown? ...

AMJA's Declaration on Performing Eid Prayer at Home During COVID-19 Shutdown

AMJA’s Declaration on Performing Eid Prayer at Home During COVID-19 Shutdown

What is the ruling regarding performing Eid prayer at home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandem ...

What's the Ruling of Eid Prayer in Light of the COVID-19 Lockdown?

What’s the Ruling of Eid Prayer in Light of the COVID-19 Lockdown?

In light of the COVID-19 lockdown, how should Muslims offer the Eid prayer? Shedding more light ...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Deluding Behavior of Man

During the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the world realized that there is an absolute power that mana ...