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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Can Muslim Medical Professionals Be Exempt from Fasting to Treat Coronavirus Patients?

Question: Can Muslim medical professionals be exempt from fasting if fasting could potentially ...

Is Cremating the Body of Someone Who Died From Coronavirus Permissible?

What is the ruling of cremating the bodies of Muslims who have died as a result of Coronavirus ...

Is Shaving Beards to Fit Face Mask for Protection Against Coronavirus Permissible?

What is the ruling of shaving the beard to properly fit the N95 mask for protection against Cor ...

Who Gets Treated First in Case of Scarcity of Medical Resources During Coronavirus Pandemic?

Bioethicists and physicians are concerned regarding the scarcity of medical resources during th ...

Can Muslims Join Prayers due to Coronavirus Pandemic?

Is it allowed to join between prayers due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? ...

Will Coronavirus Cancel Ramadan Fasting?

Is it permissible for a healthy person to not fast Ramadan this year so he can drink plenty of ...

Is Giving Zakah to Islamic Centers During Coronavirus Pandemic Allowed?

What is the Islamic rule regarding giving Zakah to mosques and Islamic centers in Europe before ...

Offering Congregational Rituals to Stop Coronavirus (COVID-19): OK?

On social media, there are a number of calls inviting people to perform a given act of worship ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance for the Prevention of Coronavirus

Prophet Muhammad gave us guidance that ensures clean, happy life, as well as protection from di ...

What’s the Road to Survival in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic?

What does Islam teach about protection from Coronavirus? What does Islam teach about personal h ...