Can Islamic Institutions Take Conventional Loans During Coronavirus Crisis?

Can Islamic Institutions Take Conventional Loans During Coronavirus Crisis?

In light of the current pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the limited donations received b ...

Can Muslims Pay Zakat Al-Fitr Early to Help COVID-19 Victims?

Can Muslims Pay Zakat Al-Fitr Early to Help COVID-19 Victims?

Is it permissible to pay zakat al-fitr in the beginning of Ramadan to help Coronavirus-afflicte ...

Can Muslims Observe Itikaf at Home to Avoid Coronavirus?

Can Muslims Observe Itikaf at Home to Avoid Coronavirus?

Question: In light of the wide spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the closing of places of wo ...

Is It Permissible to Pay Zakah to Hospitals and Old People’ Homes?

Is It Permissible to Pay Zakah to Hospitals and Old People’ Homes?

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19, what is the Islamic rule regarding paying the zakah of w ...

Funeral Prayer for Absent Deceased Through Live Broadcast to Avoid Coronavirus: Valid?

Funeral Prayer for Absent Deceased Through Live Broadcast to Avoid Coronavirus: Valid?

What is the Islamic rule regarding holding funeral prayer for an absent deceased led by an Imam ...

Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Can Muslims Postpone Fasting Ramadan to Avoid Coronavirus?

Is it permissible to postpone fasting during Ramadan this year and when one is safe from Corona ...