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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Will Coronavirus Cancel Ramadan Fasting?

Is it permissible for a healthy person to not fast Ramadan this year so he can drink plenty of ...

How Muslims Get Prepared for Ramadan

Ramadan is the season of goodness, blessings; a time in which rewards are multiplied and heart ...

Is Giving Zakah to Islamic Centers During Coronavirus Pandemic Allowed?

What is the Islamic rule regarding giving Zakah to mosques and Islamic centers in Europe before ...

Offering Congregational Rituals to Stop Coronavirus (COVID-19): OK?

On social media, there are a number of calls inviting people to perform a given act of worship ...

Changing the Qiblah: A Test for the Believers

If a certain hardship or test is meant to reflect Allah's wisdom and purpose, passing such a te ...

The Rights of the Muslims Who Die with Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Muslim Community

The AMJA has received several inquiries regarding the rights of Muslims who die while infected ...

Islamic Guidelines Pertaining to Funerals During Coronavirus Pandemic

Originally posted 2020-03-30 00:25:16. Question: What guidelines should we observe with regard ...

Adhan during Coronavirus Pandemic: Is the New Formula Valid?

After closing mosques and suspending Friday and congregational prayers to stop the spread of co ...

Shaban: The Forgotten Month

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the importance of the blessed month of Shaban and ...

Is It Permissible to Offer E-Jumuah Prayer to Curb Coronavirus?

This is to avoid large gatherings in accordance with the recommendations of state governments a ...

What Is So Special About the Month of Shaban?

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the excellence of the month of Sha`ban, the recomm ...

What Are the Virtues of the Month of Shaban?

Why did the Prophet put great emphasis on fasting during Sha`ban? What did the Prophet use to d ...

10+ Hadiths on the Virtues of Shaban

The article includes 10+ hadiths describing the excellence, virtues, and acts to be done in Sha ...

Beware of These Things in Shaban

The article pinpoints some of the commonly committed acts that should be avoided and the widely ...

AMJA’s Statement on Offering E-Jumuah Prayer During Coronavirus Pandemic

(AMJA) has received questions pertaining to holding Friday sermon and prayer services to preven ...