Changing the Qiblah: From Sanctification of Space to Sanctification of the Lord of Space

Changing the Qiblah: From Sanctification of Space to Sanctification of the Lord of Space

Changing the Qiblah was intended as the abolition of the sanctity of space whatever it may be a ...

Should Muslims celebrate Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj? What did happened on that night?

Celebrating Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj

What do you know about Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj?Should Muslims celebrate it? What did happened o ...

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: The Prophet’s Night Journey (Part 1)

The article shows some of the major events occurring before the Prophet’s miraculous journey to ...

Lessons -Lessons from Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj (Part 1)

Lessons from Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj (Part 1)

The article provides some of the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s night Journey to Jeru ...

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: The Prophet's Night Journey (Part 2)

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: The Prophet’s Night Journey (Part 2)

The article relates the story of the Prophet’s night Journey to Jerusalem and then to the Heave ...

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj: How and Why?

One night, as the Prophet was asleep in the home of his cousin Umm Hani in Makkah, the Angel Ga ...

lessons from al israa wa al miraj part 2

Lessons from the Journey of Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj (Part 2)

The article completes the discussion regarding the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s nig ...

A Dialogue Between Abu Sufyan and Heraclius

A Dialogue Between Abu Sufyan and Heraclius

The following dialogue took place between Abu Sufyan and Hercalius was retold by Sufyan in auth ...

Does Islam Command Tolerance towards Non-Muslims?

Does Islam Command Tolerance towards Non-Muslims?

The article stresses the Islamic tolerance towards non-Muslims and quotes testimonies from non- ...

Jewish-Muslim RelationsThe Qur’anic View -1

Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Quranic View (1/5)

This series of articles proposes to refute the anti-Semitic doctrines propounded by religious a ...

Who Is Muhammad? (part 3) The Prophet at Madinah

Who Is Muhammad? (Part 3) The Prophet at Madinah

The Message that Makkah and Taif rejected, found responsive hearts in Yathrib, a small oasis ab ...