Ramadan's first night does deserve a special program and due attention

Ramadan’s First Night: Open the Gates of Blessings

What virtues does the first night of Ramadan have? At whom will Allah look in that blessed nigh ...

Prophet Moses God’s Perfect Plan (Part 2)

Prophet Moses: God’s Perfect Plan (Part 2)

How was Moses born? What were God’s plans for him? How did he reach Pharaoh’s palace? ...

God Speaks to Prophet Moses (Part 5)

God Speaks to Prophet Moses (Part 5)

Why did Moses decide to return to Egypt? How did God revealed Himself to Moses? How did Moses r ...

Forgiveness and Tolerance in Islam

Forgiveness and Tolerance in Islam

How could we prevent hatred, pettiness from dwelling in our hearts; how could we generously sti ...

Ramadan Unsealing Hearts

Ramadan: Unsealing Hearts

How do you feel about the arrival of Ramadan? What does the Holy Month mean to you? How does yo ...

dialogue between God and Moses

Moses’ First Mission As a Prophet (Part 6)

What was God’s first command to Moses? What did Moses ask God in order to accomplish his missio ...

Moses once again turned to the only real source of help for humankind.

Prophet Moses in a Strange land (Part 4)

Extremely exhausted, fearful and alone in a strange land, what did Moses do? And to whom did he ...

Fearful, Confused, Moses Flees Egypt (Part 3)

How did being a forthright man, who believed in speaking his mind, standing up for the weaker, ...