Pilgrimage: The Journey of Different Religions

Pilgrimage: The Journey of Different Religions

What does hajj in essence mean and what is it meant to instill in man? How do the adherents of ...

What Are the Fruits of Hajj? (Part 1/3)

What Are the Fruits of Hajj? (Part 1/3)

A Muslim does not leave to Makkah in order to show more glorification to the Ka`bah, the black ...

Malcolm X’s Letter from Makkah

Malcolm X’s Letter from Makkah

The following is Malcolm X’s (al-Hajj, Malik al-Shabazz) letter to his assistants in Harlem dur ...

Hajj Is Over: Now What?

Hajj Is Over: Now What?

Muslims who had the financial and physical ability to perform the obligation of hajj (pilgrimag ...

What Are the Fruits of Hajj? (Part 3/3)

What Are the Fruits of Hajj? (Part 3/3)

In former articles, we touched on a number of the lessons and messages taken from Hajj. We are ...

Why Do Muslim Men and Women Pray Together in Hajj?

Why Do Muslim Men and Women Pray Together in Hajj?

In this short video, Dr. Zakir Naik explains the reason why men and women pray together in Hajj ...